100 Days, 100 Comics #62: ‘Chimichanga’ #1

Eric Powell really puts a lot of creators — writers and artists alike — to shame with his ability to keep his work pared down but constantly surprising and effective. The movement and characterizations in Chimichanga #1 had all the energy of a Steamboat Willie-era Disney cartoon and all the horrific nuances of a Mark … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #62: ‘Chimichanga’ #1

100 Days, 100 Comics #60: ‘Siege’ #1

First thoughts to hit my mind while reading Siege #1: • There was a missed opportunity during the aerial assault to use those personal aircraft vehicles from the Captain America and the Avengers arcade game. • Flying a jet with Ares surfing on your nosecone must be next to impossible. • Oh, it’s “World War … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #60: ‘Siege’ #1

100 Days, 100 Comics #59: ‘Green Lantern Corps’ #43

All of the red and green in Green Lantern Corps #43 was really well timed for the holidays. The story picks up where #42 left off with Kyle’s ring taking off to find its new finger. The lack of spacial orientation I’ve commented on before was as consistent as ever, but I don’t think “Blackest … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #59: ‘Green Lantern Corps’ #43

100 Days, 100 Comics #58: ‘Thor’ #605

[***Light spoiler warning***] If I have a singular problem with this issue, it’s that Thor’s entire presence is consistently understated, which is typically not how I like my Thor written. It’s like ordering a cup of espresso and getting a cup of very well made Maxwell House. He’s elegant. He knocks down a wall. But … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #58: ‘Thor’ #605