100 Days, 100 Comics #73: ‘Green Lantern’ #50

From the time I first saw a Yellow Lantern ring try to latch itself onto Batman, I knew Geoff Johns would come the point where rings began flying around and causing apocalyptically colorful fights with scenes like Hal Jordan thwacking a giant green hammer through a zombie Spectre’s lower jaw. That one wins my favorite … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #73: ‘Green Lantern’ #50

100 Days, 100 Comics #71: ‘Batman and Robin’ #7

There was a distinct up-shift in story density and quality going from Batman and Robin #6 to issue #7. Watching the creative team from Seaguy reunite was a pleasure in and of itself, but the book as a whole just feels like a much better all-around product and closer to what I originally expected from … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #71: ‘Batman and Robin’ #7

My Apple Tablet, iPad or iSlate Questions For Tomorrow

Whatever Apple decides to call its tablet computer that will presumably be announced by this time tomorrow, I’m going to be all ears. As someone who writes, reports on, and manages content for a living, I am all for any invention that invigorates media and provides money-oriented systems by which more work and a healthier … Read moreMy Apple Tablet, iPad or iSlate Questions For Tomorrow

100 Days, 100 Comics #70: ‘Solomon Kane: Death’s Black Riders’ #1

I’m sure this will sound foreign to a lot of readers, but Solomon Kane: Death’s Black Riders #1 read like the opening half hour of a GURPS quest, which is to say the story style will be readily digestible and recognizable to the seasoned fantasy reader. It’s a dark and violent first issue for this … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #70: ‘Solomon Kane: Death’s Black Riders’ #1

100 Days, 100 Comics #69: ‘Rasl’ #6

The way Jeff Smith puts a book together makes the process feel so effortless from the reader’s seat. Rasl #6 stars off on an odd note. You almost get the sensation that you accidentally bought Smith’s condensed biography of Nikola Tesla with Rasl #6. Literally, the historical narrative he offers at first feels slightly disjointed … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #69: ‘Rasl’ #6

100 Days, 100 Comics #68: ‘Neonomicon Hornbook’

At nine pages of story with a some script pages from Alan Moore’s August 2010-launching series from Avatar, the Neonomicon Hornbook did make me crunch my forehead for a few seconds before laying down the $1.99 in the same stack of bills that bought Joe the Barbarian #1 for a buck, but I really do … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #68: ‘Neonomicon Hornbook’

100 Days, 100 Comics #67: ‘Joe the Barbarian’ #1

Well, one issue into Grant Morrison and Sean Murphy’s Joe the Barbarian #1 I neither thought it was as deeply constructed as David Brothers over at Comics Alliance concluded or as cataclysmically phoned in as MarkAndrew over at CBR articulated. Instead, I think I’m somewhere in the middle and of the mind that the story … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #67: ‘Joe the Barbarian’ #1