100 Days, 100 Comics #25: ‘Green Lantern’ #46

First of all, how crazy is it that the last Green Lantern #46 had Mongul in it as well during “Reign of the Supermen!”? Funny how that stuff happens. I was wondering when the story was going to get back to Mongul, now that he’d fashioned those gigantic pieces of hate bling for himself from … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #25: ‘Green Lantern’ #46

100 Days, 100 Comics #24: ‘The Squirrel Machine’

Hans Rickheit has always been an enigmatic authorial figure for me — I fittingly discovered him at MoCCA a few years ago while he was absent from his table, but whoever was manning it facilitated the sale of a couple volumes of his Chrome Fetus minicomics to me. His new graphic novel from Fantagraphics is … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #24: ‘The Squirrel Machine’

100 Days, 100 Comics #23: ‘B.P.R.D.: 1947’ #3

This is the kind of opening sequence I read B.P.R.D. books for. I mentioned in my Bayou review that Gabriel Bá does some of the most playfully terrifying work in these books that I’ve ever scene, and B.P.R.D.: 1947 #3 is a perfect example of those skills at work. One of the really successful visual … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #23: ‘B.P.R.D.: 1947’ #3

100 Days, 100 Comics #21: ‘Doom Patrol’ #2

“Are all black holes this condescending?” –Negative Man By the time I picked up the second issue of Keith Giffen and Matthew Clark’s Doom Patrol at the shop, issue #1 was sold out, and I haven’t managed to locate one quite yet. This was obviously a little frustrating, but a few factors warmed me up … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #21: ‘Doom Patrol’ #2

100 Days, 100 Comics #20: ‘Batman and Robin’ #4

Here’s a case where I actually psyched myself out too much expecting a disaster and walking of the read pleasantly surprised. Some ominous tweets and blog entries over the last week had me all ready to mourn Grant Morrison’s falloff in Batman and Robin following Phillip Tan’s appearance and Frank Quitely’s temporary exit. Granted, Tan’s … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #20: ‘Batman and Robin’ #4

100 Days, 100 Comics #19: ‘Casanova: Luxuria’

The hardcover collection of Matt Fraction and Gabriel Bá’s first Casanova series was a volume that had been sitting on my shelf for long time time since my first go through it. I only picked it up again to re-read this week for an “Adapt This” feature over at MTV’s Splash Page blog. It’s a … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #19: ‘Casanova: Luxuria’

100 Days, 100 Comics #18: ‘Blackest Night’ #3

[¡Spoilers Alert!] Geoff Johns has been serving up K.O. moments since the “Blackest Night” event began, and despite being a longtime Firestorm fan with his original appearances protectively sealed several feet away from me right now, I have to preface this review with the fact that this was the weakest of the first three issues … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #18: ‘Blackest Night’ #3