100 Days, 100 Comics #48: ‘B.P.R.D.: 1947’ #5

With everything else that happened during the first four issues of this miniseries, specifically the fall of Konig and the vampires, there was plenty of reason to believe this was going to be a lame-duck final issue. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, as there were a few historical moments tucked into the final pages and … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #48: ‘B.P.R.D.: 1947’ #5

100 Days, 100 Comics #46: ‘Immortal Weapons’ #4

When I start looking back over my pull lists for 2009, this miniseries will be among the first in line for my top five picks. In a beautiful standalone issue, Duane Swierczynski tackles an origin story for Tiger’s Beautiful Daughter that resembles a Neil Gaiman Sandman tale more than it does an Iron Fist spin-off. … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #46: ‘Immortal Weapons’ #4

100 Days, 100 Comics #45: ‘My Every Single Thought’

Autobio indie comics automatically have an uphill battle to fight with me, as I’m sure they do with most readers. It’s an overpopulated junkpile of a genre most often, and though a few rare comics slip through every year with something new to offer or a new way to say something, I’ve read more bad … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #45: ‘My Every Single Thought’

100 Days, 100 Comics #44: ‘Green Lantern Corps’ #42

This was easily the most I’ve enjoyed an Indigo Tribe issue yet. The variety of pages layouts, the Guy Gardner moments, the advancement of plot, and the big ending all bolstered this read. **SPOILER ALERT** There are always weird little things that nag at me about Green Lantern books, and as effective as the final … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #44: ‘Green Lantern Corps’ #42

100 Days, 100 Comics #43: ‘Doctor Who Classics Series 2’ #11

I managed to watch the new Doctor Who special “The Waters of Mars” this week after it aired in the U.K., and without spoiling anything, it brought up a reference or two to the old Ice Warriors from Mars’ history, so this cover caught me in a moment of weakness. These stories were originally published … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #43: ‘Doctor Who Classics Series 2’ #11

100 Days, 100 Comics #41: ‘The Great Ten’ #1

Diving into this issue got me a little misty-eyed for 52, and based on that sentiment alone I was predisposed to liking this new mini. In addition to Tony Bedard being a writer I automatically approach with high expectations, The Great Ten #1 came off my reading stack from last week with several distinct advantages. … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #41: ‘The Great Ten’ #1