100 Days, 100 Comics #87: ‘Injury Comics’ vol. 1 #2

I’m going to miss Buenaventura Press books now that they’ve closed shop. That may mean that Ted May, M. Jason Robards and Jeff Wilson’s Injury Comics vol. 1 #2 was the last BP book I ended up buying new, which is a shame since they were one of the first shopping stops at about any show … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #87: ‘Injury Comics’ vol. 1 #2

100 Days, 100 Comics #86: ‘The Bulletproof Coffin’ #1

The first two issues of The Bulletproof Coffin by David Hine and Shaky Kane have been sitting on my coffee table for a good two months. I really have no good excuse beyond the fact that I’ve been reading other things that have been piling on top of them and I finally made it down … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #86: ‘The Bulletproof Coffin’ #1

100 Days, 100 Comics #85: ‘Batman and Robin’ #13

“Batman and Robin” has been a fun ride just for the sake of seeing Morrison reunite with his former “Seven Soldiers” collaborators, and I walked away very pleased with his use of Frazer Irving in Batman and Robin #13. In all honesty, these barren backgrounds wouldn’t work in just any superhero comic book context, but … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #85: ‘Batman and Robin’ #13

100 Days, 100 Comics #84: ‘Werewolves of Montpellier’

A lot of the $3.99 books I can be heard complaining about day-to-day off of the Internet could take a few notes from Jason’s $13 single stories from Fantagraphics. Sequence by sequence and page by page, the re-readability of his stories and scenes consistently offer more densely fulfilling reads than any three or four new … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #84: ‘Werewolves of Montpellier’

100 Days, 100 Comics #83: ‘Sweets’ #1

Kody Chamberlain is a comics creator that I’ve been following and respected at least since since I encountered his project Punks, which he co-created with Joshua Hale Fialkov. His work on Marvel’s Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu One-Shot last year really caught my eye, though, and had me interested in his new Image-published crime comic … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #83: ‘Sweets’ #1

100 Days, 100 Comics #82: ‘Poseur’ #3

Covers go a lot further with me when picking minicomics than they do with superhero books — mainly because with independently published titles on the individual creator/creative team level, it can represent an extra step that someone went through to exhibit craftsmanship and care to affect how their work as an object is being presented. … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #82: ‘Poseur’ #3

100 Days, 100 Comics #81: ‘Batman and Robin’ #12

Well, that was something. Way back at the end of Batman and Robin #4 Morrison had me onboard with the Oberon Sexton mystery, and I’m happy to see that my worst fears weren’t realized, but it turns out I wasn’t far off. Spoiler Alert: Don’t read on to the next paragraph if you don’t want … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #81: ‘Batman and Robin’ #12

100 Days, 100 Comics #80: ‘Brightest Day’ #1

I do of course realize that there’s no overarching rule outlining what an issue #0 and an issue #1 need to be, but that lack of law doesn’t change the fact that this was really the second issue of a miniseries and formally came together a bit awkwardly. The core story about Boston Brand advanced … Read more100 Days, 100 Comics #80: ‘Brightest Day’ #1