In the meantime, I’ll continue to update this blog when it comes to personal observations and interests—particularly matters of digital publishing, gaming and comics. So stay tuned in this feed for plenty more on those fronts. Here’s the shortlist of what’s had my attention lately:
• Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’ Saga continues to be the best new thing on my comics reading list the last couple of months. I’d missed his script-writing dearly since Vaughan took off for TV land a few years back, and the first two issues have been a welcome return to form for his character development and dialogue.
• I’ve been playing through the new Xbox 360 edition of Minecraft the last two nights. The worlds seem small, and starting off with a map in hand feels a little easy, but I think I understand why Mojang made the changes that they did. I may have some more thoughts when I get through the Achievements checklist.
• After taking a break for a few weeks, I’ve resume reading George R.R. Martin’s A Storm of Swords—and I continue to wonder in amazement how this book and the end of Clash of Kings are ever going to translate to television for the HBO adaptation.